Dry and chapped lips have for long time been a great challenge to many. Many people have undergone mental torture and lack of self-comfort due to this condition. Actually, if this condition is taken casually with no immediate medical steps, it can lead to cracking and bleeding making one feel less confident and less encouraged before the public. Chapped lips are most common in winter dry season though the entire lip cracking condition can occur in any season of the year depending on how much care you give to your body in general.
Many have been affected by lip chapping and drying without knowing the key causes of the situation they are going through. Since before, it has been hard to deal with a situation without knowing the exact cause of it. Some of the main causes for lip dryness and chapping are very common but no one really concentrates to down to them. Without narrowing down to these causative reasons, it becomes hard for one to understand where to start from in dealing with the situation when in a blast. The following points elaborate the causes and the respective remedies for chapped lips. This too maintains the lips health.
Resist the urge to lick
Licking of lips always seems to be moistening the lips skin. However, this is not the actual essence according to scientific theory and researches done. Licking causes more damages to chapped and dry lips. Licking seems to sooth the lips but the feeling only lasts for a few minutes. In the long run, lip licking may dry you out more and may lead to more cracking and even peeling.
Learn to hydrate as frequent as possible
Always drink much water to keep your body hydrated. The lips are thin and delicate thus it’s easier to notice signs of dehydration fast at the lips area. This is because they dries out fast and are easy to notice. During winter, one is highly prone to high dehydration rate. However, immediate drinking does not necessarily help in cooling down as indoor heating system reacts by drying you out asap. Therefore, drink more water promptly to curb the whole process. At least spread out the periods that you drink water throughout the entire day in order to reduce the rate of drying out.
Always apply lip balm
Lip balm applied with a 3 lip plumper lipstick provides instant respite from chapped lips. This is because it creates a seal between your lips and air thus preventing further drying. Caution should be taken to avoid flavored lip balm as this increases one's temptations to lick the lips frequently as licking has its consequences as stated earlier statements.
Apply coconut oil, olive oil and Shea butter
These natural oils acts as the best way to enhance plump up of your lips This promotes moisturization of your lips thus promoting faster healing of your chapped lips. The best thing about this oil is that they are easier to apply. Simply smear a little oil on your finger and gently rub your lips. This is done several times a day especially to those with severe chapping.
Use SPF to avoid sunburn
Mild sunburn also causes one's lips to be chapped. This may be noticed especially after skiing and spending times on the beach. An SPF labelled lip balm works out perfect to deal with the situation.
Use antibiotic ointments on cracked lips
Antibiotics always help prevent infection and enhance faster healing of lip cracks. This is because chapped lips can lead to cracking and even promote bleeding. This ointments should be applied before going to bed or several minutes after every meal since this are the exact times one is not likely to swallow what is his/her lips.
Ensure you exfoliate
As the healing process continues, gently exfoliate the dead dry skin cells. This is done with a mixture of brown sugar and honey. Brown sugar gently scrapes away dead skin cells while honey helps in soothing the sore skin. After exfoliation, it will be easier to moisturize your lips with your best lip balm either natural or artificial.
As usual, prevention has always been better than treatment. It’s much vital to understand the main cause of chapped lips since this statistics will help prevent painful cracking of lips in future. If for example you get chapped lips from being outside, try using SPF labelled lip balm and if you get chapped lips while indoors during winter, always drink enough water and always apply moisture before the situations worsens. Also plumping up your lips in addition to application of lip plumper lipstick enhances blood flow. This ensures freshness and lip nourishment is always observed leading to prevention of cracking lips and chapping of lips.
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